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three female voices singing the best Beatles songs accompanied by a jazz trio.


A unique offer which stands out among common Beatles tribute bands thanks to their original vocal arrangements and the 'cool' of the great jazz trio influenced by jazz, swing, bossa-nova, folk and other popular styles.


Our repertoire includes uptempo songs you can dance to and slow motion songs you can listen to.

We are The Beatladies,


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Anchor 8

Beatladies & The Boys

​Jazz sextet
(Vocal trio + Jazz trio)


A unique tribute to The Beatles, perfect for weddings, show restaurants, cruise ship parties or big events


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Vocal trio + guitar + VJ


An intimate tribute toThe Beatles, with an awesome video and light show, perfect for theaters or music festivals


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Beatladies unplugged-audiovisual

Beatladies unplugged

Vocal trio + guitar



An intimate tribute to The Beatles, perfect for private parties or family meetings


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